Colorado River Basin water issues abound in the news. They’re also hot topics of study in collegiate classrooms throughout Arizona.
When it comes to water research, Central Arizona Project wants to award the “best of the best”.
Are you working on some top-notch water research? Submissions for this year’s CAP Award for Water Research award are being accepted through June 1, 2024. The first-place winner will receive $1,000; the second-place winner will receive $500.
The program is intended to increase awareness about water issues associated with CAP and the Colorado River. It is available to graduate and undergraduate students at any college, university, or trade school in the State of Arizona.
For a list of suggested topics and the online entry form, visit the Award for Research webpage.
The 2023 winners:
- First place honor went to Burcu Tezcan for “Training a Non-Homogenous Hidden Markov Model with PMDI and Temperature to Create Climate Informed Hydrologic Scenarios”.
- Second place went to Krista L. Lawless for “Institutional Analysis of Water Governance in the Colorado River Basin, 1922-2022”.
If you know some like-minded Arizona undergraduate or graduate students, send them this link to the CAP Award for Water Research submission form, which also includes suggested topics. Original research submitted for this award should focus specifically on water issues that affect central and southern Arizona and the Colorado River. Priority will be given to Colorado River issues.
The goals of the Award for Research program are to:
- Encourage and support excellence in water research in Arizona’s colleges and universities.
- Reach and encourage college-level students interested in pursuing careers in water resource management.
- Increase public interest in water issues associated with the use of Colorado River water in central and southern Arizona.
- Reinforce CAP’s commitment to water education to hundreds of faculty members and students.
Questions? Contact Nick Walter.