Ingenuity keeps this unique asset afloat
CAP’s Fleet Maintenance Department maintains more than 800 pieces of equipment that range from weed eaters to a flatbed semi transporter and everything in between.
CAP’s Fleet Maintenance Department maintains more than 800 pieces of equipment that range from weed eaters to a flatbed semi transporter and everything in between.
Average Colorado River consumptive use for the Lower Basin states has been steadily decreasing over the past decade. The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has released
The Lower Basin States’ Alternative for Post-2026 Operations includes two major concepts: Maximum system contents – System contents are based on the volume in seven major
En Español We have shown many different pieces of CAP’s infrastructure – check structures, pumps, and siphons to name a few. But for water users,
In English Hemos mostrado muchas piezas diferentes de la infraestructura de CAP: presas de detención, bombas y sifones, y mas. Pero para los usuarios del
View our infographic for a look at how the 2024 Tier 1 Colorado River shortage affects next year’s CAP supplies. KRA: Water Supply Providing a
Over the last decade, Arizona has conserved more than 3.7 million acre-feet of Colorado Rive water, held back in Lake Mead. In 2023 alone, we’ve
Based on the Jan. 1, 2024 projected level of Lake Mead at 1065.27 feet above sea level, the U.S. Secretary of the Interior has declared
The major reservoirs in the Colorado River Basin continue to be at historically low levels, even after one good snowpack year. The Bureau of Reclamation
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DeEtte Person
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