by Ted Cooke, general manager, Central Arizona Project
The new year is approaching and for the first time in 2022, the Lower Colorado River Basin will be in a Tier 1 shortage. In Arizona, these Tier 1 reductions constitute about 30% of Central Arizona Project’s normal supply; about 18% of Arizona’s Colorado River supply; and just under 8% of Arizona’s total water use.
Recently, Ted Cooke, CAP’s general manager, had an opportunity reflect at length on how we came to be here today, what a Tier 1 shortage will look like in 2022 and what the future holds.
The December issue of PM Magazine, a publication by the International City/County Management Association, included an article by Ted titled “In Arizona, Collaboration Averts Water Disaster.” In response to ICMA’s focus on disaster preparedness, Ted shared his thoughts about how many have worked hard in the Colorado River Basin to avoid a water crisis through planning, innovation and collaboration. View article here.
Ted is also featured in a new 3-minute Cox segment focusing on the Colorado River shortage. The segment runs on the “Arizona Living: Your Life, Your Style” show through December on Sundays at 9 p.m., Tuesdays at 6 p.m., Wednesdays at 9:30 p.m., and Saturdays at 2:30 p.m. For Cox cable carriers, this show is on YurView Arizona channel (Phoenix Ch. 4 and Tucson Ch. 7). The segment can also be viewed here.