CAP Open Data webpage updated with data downloads, more maps

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CAP Open Date map

If maps and data make you blast out of bed in the morning (even before the hot java), or you’re just a self-proclaimed water wonk, then we have good news: our CAP Data and Maps page has been updated with more maps and a data downloads page.

See the revised and renamed CAP Open Data page.

New maps to the page are the CAGRD Replenishment and Obligation StoryMap, and a CAGRD Membership Locator Tool.

All resources include:

Data downloads

Users can now explore and download data sets for use in their own maps and applications.

Story Maps

  • A story map integrates multiple features such as maps, photos, videos and more for users to explore. Open Data has links to CAP System, CAGRD Replenishment and Obligation, Recharge and Caddisflies.

Interactive map applications

  • Water Quality – AquaPortal provides up-to-date water quality data and operational information from the CAP system and its source water.
  • CAP Allocations – CAP Allocations is a map-based app that shows CAP’s water user service areas and associated water allocation information.
  • CAGRD Membership Locator Tool – Discover what CAGRD membership means and whether you’re located in a CAGRD Member Land or Member Service Area.

Digital maps

  • Browse the CAP System or CAP Trail and select different features to learn more.

Printable maps

  • Download and print maps to five developed sections of the CAP Trail.

CAP’s Open Data Site was created to ensure stakeholders and the general public have easy access to CAP data.

Additional resources will be added, so be sure to check back frequently!