CAP Statement: CAWCD Resolution on post-2026 Colorado River operations

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Colorado River in Glen Canyon

Today, the CAWCD Board voted unanimously to approve a Resolution related to post-2026 Colorado River operations, which states in part:

The Board calls on the United States to (i) evaluate the impacts of Compact compliance, including a Compact call, as a reasonably foreseeable event that must be analyzed under any alternative other than the Lower Basin alternative, and (ii) advance the Lower Basin Alternative for full analysis in the NEPA Process.

A full copy of the Resolution is located here.

This is consistent with a statement issued by Central Arizona Project in November related to the elements we felt were missing from the alternatives released by Reclamation. As we stated then, we believe any future consensus alternative will need to recognize the importance of the Compact and of sharing the burden of future reductions caused by climate change across the Colorado River Basin.