January CAWCD Board Meeting Recap

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CAWCD Board Meeting

Board approves $5 million System Use Reserve for System Use Agreement purposes

The Central Arizona Water Conservation District Board of Directors (CAWCD) convened today for its January 2020 meeting.

The board approved a $5 million special-purpose System Use Reserve to be used for expenses relating to the System Use Agreement, such as a System Improvement Study. Once wheeling contracts are issued, the initial funding will be reimbursed by the wheeling parties. The reserve does not require any additional funding or rate impact, as it will be transferred from the Strategic Reserves.

During the Public Policy Committee report, the board adopted a position of support on the discussion draft regarding the Direct Distribution of Arizona Water Banking Authority (AWBA) Long-Term Storage Credits. Board Vice President Goddard and Secretary Megdal also presented updates from the Finance, Audit and Power and Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District (CAGRD) committees.

CAP staff members provided updates on:

The CAWCD Board of Directors is a popularly elected, 15-member board. Ten members are from Maricopa County, four from Pima County and one from Pinal. Members serve six-year, unpaid terms. The board typically meets publicly the first Thursday of each month to establish policy and set rates and taxes for CAP.

For additional details on the January board meeting, take a look at the agenda and packet. Board minutes and videos will be posted here.