Safety: It’s who we are!

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CAP VPP Award 2021

CAP and its all-employee safety team has once again been granted recertification in the Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) by the Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health (ADOSH) with a five-year approval period.

This is the third requalification since CAP first earned VPP status in 2006.

The VPP program recognizes employers and workers who have implemented effective safety and health management systems and who have maintained injury and illness rate below the national Bureau of Labor Statistics’ averages for their respective industries. As part of VPP, management, employees and OSHA work cooperatively to prevent fatalities, injuries and illness through a system focused on hazard prevention and control, worksite analysis and training.

Prior to their on-site visit, the ADOSH team spent time reviewing many of CAP’s written safety and health policies and reviewed CAP’s responses to incidents. Once onsite, they visited headquarters’ maintenance shops and the Waddell Pump/Generation Plant and learned about some of the safety and health-related improvements made since their last visit in 2014.

The ADOSH VPP team also interviewed more than 50 employees. Those interviews revealed employees truly put safety first in all their work. They are grateful for the comprehensive safety programs CAP has implemented, are comfortable discussing safety with co-workers and appreciate CAP’s “take safety home” approach.

CAP invests considerable time and resources in safety and health efforts over the years to ensure its employees go home safely to their families and loved ones while ensuring a reliable water supply for our state. It’s truly who we are!

2021 VPP Infographic