The streak is 17 for CAP’s procurement team

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CAP's Contract and Procurement Services team

For the 17th year in a row, CAP’s Contract and Procurement Services team has received the esteemed Annual Achievement of Excellence in Procurement (AEP) award from the National Procurement Institute, Inc.

As a public organization, CAP does not make a profit and must provide water at an affordable cost. As such, efficient management of our procurement process helps drive efforts to provide the best value to CAP water users from the ground level.

Agencies that show dedication to procurement excellence are recipients of the AEP Award. This annual program acknowledges procurement institutions that adopt innovation, professionalism, efficiency, leadership, and e-procurement.

A few key points about the award: In 2024, there were 198 applicants who were successful, with 72 cities, 49 counties, 23 special districts (including CAP), 23 school districts, 16 higher education agencies, 5 state or provincial agencies, and 8 other unclassified entities.

This award was only given to 12 organizations in Arizona.

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