#WaterHeroes Keep the Water Flowing Throughout Arizona

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CAP Water Professionals

Making coffee. . .washing produce. . .brushing teeth. We tend to take for granted the water required for these daily tasks. Now, more than ever – especially when washing hands for at least 20 seconds and hydrating frequently to stay healthy – water is an essential and vital resource. And the professionals who ensure a reliable water supply are critical to everyone’s health and safety. In a very real way, they are unsung, everyday heroes.

April is Water Awareness Month and the week of April 13 is Arizona Water Professionals Week. In celebration of both, CAP salutes the #WaterHeroes across the country who are keeping the water flowing. That moniker applies not just to water plant operators, but to everyone in the water industry who does his or her job to ensure a clean and plentiful water supply.

Take a look at some of CAP’s own #WaterHeroes, as well as a bit more about CAP’s reliable water supply.

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