Arizona’s monsoon season is coming to an end, having brought a bit of welcome rainfall to our arid climate. But CAP is more focused on a different water source – Colorado River water that starts as snowpack in the Rocky Mountains.
Arizona’s Family recently spoke with CAP Colorado River Programs Planning Analyst Nolie Templeton, PhD, about why this snowpack matters to desert dwellers and how it makes the journey down the Colorado River and into the CAP system where it is delivered to six million living in central and southern Arizona.
Templeton covered not only the importance of snowpack to CAP’s Colorado River supply, but she also explained how her work is driven by data and modeling, described the journey of the water to the CAP system, and have an update on shortage conditions now and into the future.
Learn more about CAP’s Colorado River water supply:
Colorado River Updates
Colorado River Conditions Dashboard
Colorado River Reductions

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